Franchisee acquisition

Omnichannel recruiting strategy

Acquire franchise partners efficiently and sustainably

Are you looking for qualified franchise partners for your successful franchise company?

Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! Unsere innovativen off – und online Methoden  zur Gewinnung von Franchisepartnern helfen Ihnen dabei, die besten Kandidaten für Ihre Expansion zu finden. Wir verstehen die Herausforderungen, die mit der Franchisenehmersucher einhergehen und bieten Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und ein weitverzweigtes Netzwerk in der Franchisenehmer-Community

Ominchannel marketing recrutierung (1)
Personal Suche Bild V2

Over 20 years Wir sind Profis bei der Suche von qualifizierten Franchisepartnern (m/w/d)

Wir finden die perfekten Kandidaten, die zu Ihrer Marke und Ihrem Franchisekonzept passen. Durch unsere jahrelange Expansions-Erfahrung wissen wir, wie man die richtigen Kandidaten anspricht und begleiten Sie von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme bis zum Vertragsabschluss.

Dank maßgeschneiderte Inhalte, automatisierte Prozesse und datengetriebene Ansätze haben wir einen effektiven Rekrutierungsprozess für die Gewinnung Franchisenehmer entwickelt. Dieser Prozess und unsere langjährige Erfahrung  ermöglichen es uns, Ihnen qualifizierte und engagierte Franchisepartner zu vermitteln.

Trust in our expertise and let us build successful franchise partnerships together. 

Social media leads

We successfully recruit franchisees for you via social media

Discover the immense reach and visibility of social media to target and attract potential franchise partners.

With our social media know-how and our many years of experience as market researchers, we use the power of social networks to successfully present your franchise concept.

Benefit from our specialized offer for franchisee lead generation via social networks and attract qualified franchisees for your company. Contact us now and let’s drive your franchise expansion forward together!

We win franchisees for regional and international franchise concepts

What can we do for you?

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Offline marketing

With our offline marketing services, we support you in attracting potential franchisees. We create print advertising such as advertisements, brochures and flyers for you. We also help you reach potential franchisees offline through cooperation and recommendation programs and get them excited about your franchise system.

Icons Probandi orange social media

Social media marketing

Comprehensive support in the use of social media platforms to address and attract potential franchisees. Our goal is to effectively present your brand and franchise system on social media and increase the engagement and interest of potential franchisees.

Icons Probandi Go promtions

Local information events

We organize local information events for you, where potential franchisees have the opportunity to find out more about the franchise system. With our Probandi van we provide you with a fully equipped POS marketing unit.

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Franchisee screening

We identify potential franchisees for you based on factors such as location, demographic characteristics, interests and experience. We would be happy to screen according to your individual specifications and objectives.
