Franchise expansion

Successfully conquer the
German franchise market
with us!

Position yourself
successful in the German franchise market

Wir sind Experten für den deutschen Franchisemarkt und unterstützen Sie strategisch dabei, in diesen pulsierenden Wachstumsmarkt einzutreten. Mit unserer fundierten Erfahrung und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen helfen wir nachhaltig dabei, Ihre Marke im deutschen Franchisemarkt zu etablieren. Von der Marktforschung bis zur Rekrutierung qualifizierter Franchisenehmer stehen wir Ihnen bei Ihrem Markteintritt zur Seite. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um mehr zu erfahren  gemeinsam den deutschen Markt zu erobern.

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Current franchise insights - we have the numbers for your success in Germany

Get valuable franchise insights for a successful entry into the German franchise market! As experienced market researchers in the franchise sector, we offer you current findings and insights into the German market. Our well-founded market analyzes and success-critical factors provide you with the crucial knowledge for your franchise decisions on the German market. Find out about future-oriented trends and use our expertise to put your entrepreneurial journey on solid foundations in the German franchise market. Start your success story in franchising in Germany today and set yourself apart from the competition. Contact us to benefit from our valuable franchise insights and turn your vision for the German franchise market into reality.

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Quick location checks

Simple, precise and comprehensive location analysis. Success factors quickly identified.

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Identify target groups regionally

Our first-class team of market researchers has many years of experience in regional target group analysis.

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Identification of white spots

We support you in finding undiscovered areas with great potential for your franchise network.

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Location reports for the franchise industry

We examine market conditions, competitive environment, target group potential and much more. With our tailored location reports you can make informed decisions and minimize risks.

Innovative & target group-oriented franchise marketing

Our expertise lies in the precise adaptation of international marketing concepts for the German market. We understand the specific needs and preferences of your target group in the B2B and B2C sectors. With our in-depth knowledge of the German market, we are able to successfully optimize your franchisor communication and ensure an effective approach.

Our approach is based on facts and data-driven analysis. We use extensive market studies and trends to tailor marketing strategies specifically to the German market. We carefully weigh up the different channels, both online and offline, to create a harmonious brand experience.

Our success is based on the fact that we help franchisors to differentiate themselves in the German market and stand out from competitors. If you are looking for a partner who can adapt your marketing concepts to the German market, then you have come to the right place. Contact us and let us achieve your franchise goals in the German market together.


Mobile marketing unit & recruiting platform

Our premium Marketing tool is a multifunctional event bus “Franchise Van”. This mobile marketing unit can be modularly transformed according to your needs.

Recruiting- icon

Recruiting terminals

HR questionnaire software

Promotion Icon

Local promotions

Regional events & promotions

icon Video kamera

Video equipment

Video interviews

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Ominchannel marketing icon

Omnichannel recruiting strategy

Acquire franchise partners efficiently and sustainably on the German market.

Are you entering the German market as a franchisor and are you looking for qualified franchise partners for a successful start in Germany?

Then you've come to the right place! With our innovative and proven method for recruiting franchise partners, we support you in finding the best candidates for your expansion in Germany. We understand the challenges that come with recruiting franchise partners and offer tailor-made solutions to attract strong long-term franchise partners for your company.

What can we do for you?

We support you in successfully establishing your franchise system in Germany.

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Location and potential analysis

Maximize your potential through professional location analyzes for your franchisees.

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Franchisee acquisition

As experts in the industry, we help you find committed and qualified entrepreneurs who are ready to become part of your successful franchise network.

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Local Promotions & Digital Marketing

We will make your event big on site! Take advantage of our expertise in event advertising and marketing. With us you can reach your target group everywhere!
